
The dental hygienists at can help you further if you suffer from periodontitis (gum inflammation that extends into the jawbone).

If your gum disease is at an advanced stage, your teeth may become loose. You understand the importance of preventing this from happening. 

Treating periodontitis

Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, which means that several factors play a role in the development of periodontitis. Some of this may be hereditary, but the bacterial composition of plaque and your resistance are also determining factors. There is strong evidence that periodontitis is associated with some other health problems. Conversely, treating periodontitis can make a positive contribution to your overall health.

Our dental hygienists can help you by treating the inflammation and its consequences. This can be done in an intensive paro-treatment program, where the deep inflammation heals (for the most part) and bone breakdown is further prevented. Do you not want this due to cost or other reasons? Then this is possible. We can then treat you in M-codes and at least slow down the process. Consult with your dental hygienist about what is the best treatment in your specific situation.

Is treatment by a dental hygienist covered?

Most health insurance companies do or partially reimburse treatment by a dental hygienist. This requires supplementary insurance. We will be happy to advise you on this.

We are happy to answer your questions

Did you come home after your visit to and suddenly have new questions on your mind about periodontitis and the proposed treatment? Then feel free to call us, we will be happy to explain it to you.


Outside of regular business hours, please call the affiliated dental office for acute pain.

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Follow the latest updates here is always looking for opportunities to keep developing. And with all new plans we first ask ourselves: will this benefit the patient? Often the answer is a resounding yes! What we have implemented? All news items and developments can be read here. TRIOS 3D digital mouth scanner

Recently, our practices have been equipped with a TRIOS 3 D digital mouth scanner. From now on we can make facets, crowns and small bridges without using impression pastes. The use of the scanner allows us to create a 3D model. A lot of comfort for patients and for employees it is fun to work with the new developments.