Poetry lesson children

At hello.smile, we think oral care for children is very important. We especially focus on preventing cavities and gum disease.

Rond the sixth year of life, the first permanent molars come through. This is why we like to see children several times a year around this age at the prevention assistant. It is extremely important from an early age to ensure that the teeth remain clean and that no cavities develop.

Brushing instructions: how to brush properly?

From the moment children come to us, we give them brushing instructions. We give them a coloring tablet to show them how well they have brushed and we take pictures to compare later. And of course they receive personalized advice on how to brush optimally, with the brush they like. Children up to the age of 10 must be brushed afterwards. This is why it is very nice if you as a parent are present when we give brushing instructions.

Sealing and fluoride for extra protection

When the permanent molars come through, around six years of age, we can seal the molars on indication. This is a protective layer in the grooves of your molars. This may be an option for molars with a high caries risk, in order to better protect these molars and keep them clean. Of course, we will explain in advance exactly what we will do, how we will do it and how we will make sure that your child has as little discomfort as possible from the treatment. The treatment is not painful.

We also still do the fluoride treatment well known to parents for extra protection. Twice a year, after the check-up, we offer fluoride as a treatment for strengthening the enamel layer on teeth. This is roughly for children ages 6 to 18.


What about health insurance?
  • Prevention, check-ups and dentistry for children up to 18 years of age are covered by basic insurance.
  • Thus, you do not need separate dental insurance for this purpose.


Outside of regular business hours, please call the affiliated dental office for acute pain.

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hello.smile is always looking for opportunities to keep developing. And with all new plans we first ask ourselves: will this benefit the patient? Often the answer is a resounding yes! What we have implemented? All news and developments can be read here.

hello.smile TRIOS 3D digital mouth scanner

Recently, our practices have been equipped with a TRIOS 3 D digital mouth scanner. From now on we can make facets, crowns and small bridges without using impression pastes. The use of the scanner allows us to create a 3D model. A lot of comfort for patients and for employees it is fun to work with the new developments.